Mini Gemstone Guide & Healing Properties

We’ve been having a bit of a new age moment at the Baba loft lately and we thought we’d share our latest obsession. My friend and collaborator Camille is really into stones and their healing powers. At first, I thought she was a bit “woo-woo” but it turns out, after hearing about it so many times, I’m now really into it too! I’ve been gathering a little collection of semi precious gemstones for our jewellery section and I feel they are so pretty and special. And if they can help us feel more grounded, I say hell, yeah!

We’ve rounded up our favorite gemstones into a mini guide and looked around in books and on the Internet for a bit of info on the properties of each gemstone. Fun fact: apparently, when we choose a gemstone for ourselves, our intuition guides us to pick the stone that will help us the most. Try it. Let your intuition pick the rock you prefer in the mini guide below and then read its short description below. Does it match your needs? (I’m always drawn to rose quartz, I guess I need a bit of peace and calm, ha!)


Calligraphy by my talented friend Emeline Villedary. (Thanks Em, your handwriting is oh so very pretty.)

The ritual: Ok, this part is absolutely optional but Camille says we need to purify our rocks once in a while so they can heal us better. It’s an energy cleanse! You can do this by burning sage or Palo Santo (Obsessed with that smell too). I must admit it’s a bit woo-woo for me. BUT, the smell is so nice and calming, so why not?


-Awareness and learning
-Relief from old emotional pain
-Brings about calm, relaxation and kindness
(Our mala necklace is made of howlite beads)

Rose Quartz
-Place it near your heart to help purify and open up.
-It’s a stone of unconditional love & peace
-Good for self-esteem, it’s calming and reassuring.
(Check out our rose quartz necklace and our mala necklace that includes rose quartz)

Crystal Quartz 
-Helps memory, concentration. Frees from mental block.
-Stimulates the immune system and stabilizes the body
-Great for healing skin burns.
-Harmonises your chakras.
(We have some pretty cute earrings made of raw crytals)

-The stone of intuition
-Inner revelations enhancer
-Stimulates dreams
(This hamsa hand bracelet is made of amazonite)

-Helps to balance emotional ups and downs
-Helps with focus
-Centres your emotions
-Dissipates anger, fear and anxiety
-Helps stimulate your energy flow
(Have a look at our very pretty minimalist necklace with amethyst)

-Will purify a room and reajust the energy level
-Acts on your body to relieve anxiety, worries and stress.
(Check out this wonderful geode pendant)

Hope you’ve enjoyed our mini gemstone guide. Peace & Love. -Stephanie
