Moroccan Boucherouite Rugs – Our Faves For A Happy Kid’s Bedroom Decor

I have to admit it, Moroccan Boucherouite rugs are a personal fave. They are just the most interesting, the quirkiest and happiest pieces of textile you can encounter. My love for Moroccan Boucherouite rugs is endless but, let me explain why they are ideal for a kid’s room. These are my top 3 reasons (because yes, I have more than 3!)

Moroccan Boucherouite Rugs canada montreal babasouk

1. They’re easy to take care of

They are perfect for play. Let’s be real, kids are MESSY! They play with playdough, they spill juice and they often run into their rooms before removing their shoes. And you don’t want to freak out each time they do. Boucherouite rugs are made of recycled fabrics, they are usually multicolored and can dissimulate a few spills without anyone noticing. That being said, you need to be able to wash your rug and not spend a fortune each time. If your washing machine is big enough, you can wash your Boucheouite rug in it. (We recommend cold water, delicate cycle) Then you can let it dry in the sun. You can also wash it in your backyard using your hose and cold water detergent. Then again, let it fully dry out in the sun.

2. Moroccan Boucherouite Rugs create happy, creative decors

Their texture is intricate, babies love to discover their different textures and feel. Every different color you see in a Boucherouite rug is a different material. The reason is that they are made by hand, using fabric scraps from big clothing factories. In Morocco, there are lots of big clothing factories and they sell their scraps by the kilo. Isn’t it the coolest way to recycle fabric scraps? I see them as an abstract or naive piece of art. The multitude of colors bring joy to any bedroom decor and we definitely want happy vibes in our children’s bedrooms.

Moroccan Boucherouite Rugs ships from canada Baba Souk

3. They age well

It’s a fact, the more a Boucherouite rug looks worn out or old, the more it’s worth in Morocco. I personally love both new and vintage Boucherouite rugs but the French LOVE Boucherouite rugs when they look used and antique so I have no shame in saying they look better with time. Boucherouite rugs were not intended to be sold as they were mostly used by the Berber themselves in their own homes, as modest resistant domestic carpets. But in the 90’s, French designers began to fall in love with them.

I love to think that a Moroccan rug is something you keep for a lifetime and can easily imagine how a Boucheouite rug would be used in a kid’s room and then transition to another space of a home over time. I can imagine someone saying something like ” Yeah isn’t it cool? My mom bought this Moroccan rug for me when I was a kid, It’s been moving everywhere with me since I’m 4 years old!” That would make me happy.

I personally pick each and every rug we sell in Morocco sorting through piles and piles of rugs. Shop our collection of Moroccan Boucherouite rugs right here.


PS: These are our current favorite accessories for a kid bedroom. Find all the links below.

These are our current favorite accessories for a kid bedroom, Baba Souk

1. Pompom Garlands, 2. Macrame Garland, 3. Wall hanging, 4. Cloud Brass Mirror, 5. Gold Moroccan Pouf, 6. Yellow Moroccan basket, 7. Pink Moroccan basket, 8. Yes Ma’am Screenprint Poster, 9. The Cloud Throw, 10. Boucherouite Moroccan Pillows, 11. The cat crochet.

*We also LOVE the little house bed featured in our pictures, I know I’ll get tons of questions about it, here’s the link, it’s from Souris Mini 🙂

Moroccan Boucherouite Rugs - Our Faves For A Happy Kid's Bedroom Decor

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Pastel Moroccan Ceramics & Homemade Peach Lemonade

We’re in a never-ending summer mode and this heat wave is calling for homemade peach lemonade! Thanks to the talented Emilie Murmure, food stylist and cook for this delish recipe perfectly on time for the August peach harvest. Scroll down!

Moroccan ceramics homemade peach lemonade babasouk

I’m thirsty just looking at this picture. And I know I’ve said this before but our Moroccan ceramics make everything look SO good. Yum! Have a look at our entire Moroccan ceramic collection right here.

Moroccan ceramics homemade peach lemonade babasouk


  • 4 cups of cold water (1L).
  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (250 ml).
  • 1/2 cup of honey (or maple syrup) (125ml).
  • 2 ripe, peeled peaches.

Moroccan ceramics homemade peach lemonade babasouk


Blend together the water, the lemon juice, the honey, and peaches until you get a very slick lemonade. Use a strainer to obtain a smooth texture. Add some ice cubes and few lemon slices to decorate.

Tips from Emilie:
The trick with peaches is to let them mature on your counter for at least 2-3 days so they are ripe and juicy. However, beware when making this lemonade, peaches oxidize fast (and you don’t want to serve brownish lemonade!) so make it very last minute, use cold water and add lots of ice cubes.


Serve your homemade lemonade in our gorgeous Moroccan ceramic mugs for an extra dose of yumminess! 😉

I just love the end of summertime when local fruits and veggies taste so good and are so abundant. This peach lemonade has a never-ending vacay taste. Try it! –Stephanie

Pictures and recipe: Emilie Murmure
Vous pouvez trouver la version française de cette recette juste ici


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Our latest Collab With Macrame Wall Artist – Boho Montreal

This new collaboration with Karèle, the local macrame artist behind Boho Montreal, really resonates with our mission. Shining the spotlight on talented artists and creating exclusive products with them is something that’s very dear to my heart and it’s really at the core of Baba Souk. I remember creating Baba Souk for this specific reason back in 2012! I’ve always had so much respect and admiration for artists and artisans. I hope you’ll love this macrame wall hanging collection we’ve created just for you. We had our clients in mind while creating these pieces, big-hearted ladies with a soft side for everything handmade, pretty textures and beautiful colors.

macrame wall hanging weaving canada montreal
(you can shop the entire collection right here)

As I am always so interested in the story behind an artist’s journey, I’ve prepared a little interview with Karèle. I hope you’ll love it. Scroll down to read everything!

macrame wall hanging weaving canada montreal

1. What’s the story behind your becoming a Macrame artist?

I remember during my teen years being frustrated by the fact that I wasn’t allowed to personalize my bedroom decor, my mother was very conservative. When I left my parents’ house, I was looking forward to decorating my entire apartment. And of course I was really inspired by Pinterest. I would restore antiques and go thrifting to find the best vintage pieces, I was looking for objects that spoke to my style and had a story.

As far as I can remember, I was always drawn to a picture perfect decor and about 4 years ago, while scrolling through Pinterest, my heart skipped a beat when for the first time I saw a California style wall hanging appear on my screen. As much as I wanted one, I couldn’t find macrame wall hangings here in Montreal and so I thought I should try to make some. I had a feeling it would be a huge trend. My goal was to develop my own aesthetic and create the wall hangings that I would love to see in my own decor.

macrame weaving wall hangings montreal canada baba souk

(Moroccan rug, Pink cactus silk pillow, Moroccan pouf in light tan leather, XL storage basket)

2. Did you always know you would be an artist?

I always knew I would be a leader, I felt like I had the entrepreneurial vibe under my skin and I thought I would be rich! Ha! I’m far from being rich, I’m juggling with my own business and managing a restaurant at the same time. I’ve studied Visaul Arts and Fashion Design, I’m very crafty. I’m all about the DIY lifestyle. However, I love the adrenaline that comes with working at the restaurant and I love the contrast with the very meditative art of making macrame and wall hangings.

macrame weaving wall hangings montreal canada baba souk

(This large macrame Karèle created for our collab is just stunning! Shop it right here)

3. What do you love most about doing what you do?

I love that I don’t have to do the same job full time. I work on my business from Monday to Wednesday and I give macrame workshops sometimes on weekends. I’m not the kind of person who likes to do the same thing every day. I love to hop from one task to the other, I really enjoy working hard. I get bored when I have nothing to do, I’m a bit of a workaholic.

macrame weaving wall hangings montreal canada baba souk

(My personal fave! I’m in love with the color combination and the merge of macrame techniques and weaving makes them so pretty. Shop it right here!)

4. What piece of work are you most proud of?

I made a 12’x10′ macrame for a restaurant called Soup Soup here in Montreal. My biggest piece so far, 45 hours of making knots, blistered hands and a lot of tears.

5. What is your remedy for lack of inspiration?

That happens to me frequently. When I have a creative block, I go do something completely different, like accounting, let’s say.

6. Do you have a personal motto?

Take it one day at a time.

7. What is your biggest challenge as a business owner?

Giving myself a break once in a while. I’m not good at relaxing but sometimes, your body speaks for itself. I always stretch myself a bit too much.

8. Who is your favorite artist?

I really admire Montreal artist Allyson Rousseau, she makes beautiful weavings. I also really love Jessica Grenon, she’s a photographer I worked with for my professional pictures. Their styles really inspire me.

macrame weaving wall hangings montreal canada baba souk

9. What do you love the most and the least about working from home?

I love getting up early and going through emails, getting my paperwork done and even creating a few macrame hangings before my boyfriend gets up! Although I have to say, sometimes it can be hard to focus with my two dogs, the dishes to do, it’s tempting to tackle some domestic chores when I’m supposed to be working but I try to stay focused. I need to be very disciplined, to say the least.

10. What important lessons have you learned in your entrepreneurial journey?

It’s not easy and you need to always keep working on your craft. Create your business at your own pace and with your own cash flow.

macrame weaving wall hangings montreal canada baba souk

Thank you so much for sharing!
– Stephanie


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3 Easy Care Houseplants That We Love

These handmade baskets were the result of a chat I had with our florist loft neighbor and favorite plant lady, Laurie Anne Atelier Fleur. We both thought that cute planter options for our medium houseplants were hard or impossible to find at a decent price. And so, I suggested we should have baskets made to hide the medium size 6″ pots that are usually used for medium sized plants. We decided to add cute pompoms and golden yellow and vintage purple that made me think of Laurie Anne. (She has the cutest workshop, you’ve probably seen it in our Instagram feed)

3 Easy Care Houseplants That We Love, baskets with tassels

Grab the yellow tassel basket right here and the purple one here.

rounds baskets with tassel handmade in Morocco from Baba Souk

Here are our 3 Easy Care Houseplants to keep in our cute tassel baskets:


Zamioculcas (Or The ZZ plant)
– Direct light or mid-shade
– Let the soil completely dry in between waterings.

rounds baskets with tassel handmade in Morocco from Baba Souk

We have one at the Baba loft and it’s a survivor! Very tough! So it’s the perfect plant for beginners like me 😉

Aglaonema (or Chinese Evergreen)
– Indirect light or mid-shade. Will survive without direct sunshine.
– Let the soil dry partially in between waterings.
– Spray the leaves 3 times a week during summer.

3 Easy Care Houseplants Aglaonema

This plant has more than 60 varieties and we just love it’s luscious green leaves. And it’s resistant! Bonus point: It’s perfect if your place isn’t very sunny.

Aechmea (Also know as Bromeliads Urn Plant or Silver Vase Plant)
– Indirect light, no direct sun.
– Always leave water inside the flower
– It loves humidity so ideally spray its leaves 3 times a week
– Water when the soil is dry

round baskets with yellow tassel baba souk

Of course, this gorgeous tropical pink beauty is our favorite of these 3 Easy Care Houseplants! Isn’t it just gorgeous? And, did I mention the pink flower lasts really long. In love!

Stephanie & Laurie Anne

PS: Have you seen all of our gorgeous Moroccan baskets? Have a look right here for many other basket styles.


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5 Budget Friendly Styling Tips to Add Luxe to Your Home Decor

Vanessa Béland is a home stylist, decorator & founder of her own brand Fleur Maison. Her house is filled with pretty details, it’s a modest suburb home but it feels very special, stylish and loved. Her mindset is inspiring, “Play with the home you have” Vanessa has brilliant DIY skills, tons of ideas and most importantly, she’s got the “Pinterest-Eye”. She’s sharing with us her top 5 styling tips to add a luxe feel to a home – Even if you’re on a budget. Scroll down to learn all about these 5 tips.

styling tips home decor ideas

Top 5 Styling Tips:

1. Paint Your Doors

A simple detail you might say, but it adds a ton of style! Look at these gorgeous pink doors! That pink shade is just perfect, not too bright, not to pale. Vanessa used Santa Fee Pebble #6073-41 by Sico. Her best advice on painting doors: “Take them off and remove the handles, the result is way better when you paint them flat”.

Painting your doors is a fun, inexpensive way to add style to your home decor.

styling tips home decor ideas

Shop this look: 1. Wicker placemats with pompoms, 2. Moroccan ceramic bowls in lilac, 3. Moroccan ceramic vase in lilac, 4. Pink kilim pillow, 5. Red flowers art print, 6. The sage green tableware is from Home Sense,  7. The bamboo pendant lamp is from IKEA.

styling tips home decor ideas

I also really love that beautiful blue-grey shade she used on one of her dining room walls. The color is called Modernity by Boomerang, Interior recycled paint, acrylic latex.

Tip no 2. Mix-up your chairs around the table.

“Shop for vintage furniture on Kijiji or your local charity store. You can find true gems, especially in the suburbs where people throw away vintage treasures!” I love to use 4 identical chairs and then spice up both ends of the table with another chair style. It creates interest and will add some personality to your dining room.

styling tip budget home

styling tips home decor ideas

Tip no 3. Hack an inexpensive piece of IKEA furniture.

Vanessa and her boyfriend are pretty handy, I have to say, but this IKEA hack is pretty easy. They simply added a wood panel on an IKEA SEKTION cabinet. You can’t see this on the pic but her boyfriend made a small round hole through the top so they can hide electrical cord inside the cabinet. Pretty neat, right? They usually keep their coffee machine on this cabinet, it’s a clever way to hide ugly cords. Vanessa wrote an entire blog post on how to make one, have a look at her blog right here.

styling tips home decor ideas

Shop this look: 1. Peace & Love Poster, 2. Gold Wish Bone from Home Sense, 3. “You are a gem” letter board is from Michaels, 4. Moroccan baskets, 5. Moroccan ceramic vase, 6. Basket with tassels, 7. Small Boucherouite rug from Baba Souk.

Tip no 4. Add Some Texture

There’s nothing like texture for an instant luxe effect in your home. Make sure to add texture to your bed, on your couch and even on your walls. Pillows are the easiest way to add texture to your decor. If you’re looking to add texture and color, our Boucherouite pillows are texture heaven!

styling tips home decor ideas

Tip no 5. Decorate With Plants

One of the best styling tips ever! I’m sure you’ve heard me repeat this tip many times before but it’s SO true that I really don’t mind repeating it! Plants are the best to create a beautiful decor on a budget. They not only add LIFE to a room but in my opinion, they tie a house together. And, I’m pretty sure they give a boost to your mood. (Especially during endless winter days) Oh and while we’re at it, we LOVE to use baskets as cache pots, it’s easier (no need to replant) and affordableShop our handmade baskets right here.

Shop this look: 1. Cachepot, basket with tassels, 2. Prisma wall decor by UMBRA.  3. Pink Kilim Pillow, 4. Cute floral pillow by Fleur Maison, 5. The beautiful yellow chair is vintage, 6. White leather Moroccan pouf, 7. Cute floral shoes are from Riffle Paper & co., 8. The magazine rack is vintage and has been partly painted (A fun DIY project!), 9. Tray Basket, 10. Ceramic Vase from Baba Souk.

I hope you’ll try one of her 5 styling tips in your own home! I know I’m very tempted to paint a door right now, and that pink is just perfect. Now I just need to convince my husband! 😉


Pictures: Baba Souk
Location: Vanessa Béland
Styling: Camille Picard


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